Psychology, Religion, Soul, Spiritual

What’s Your Unsafe Sect Experience?

UNSAFE SECTS can include any groupings where people experience some kind of trauma or neglect. Though it has a religious connotation, there is no need to limit it to a religious group.

What comes to most of our minds are images of Waco, Texas or the Guyana massacre and Jim Jones. jim jones

But “unsafe” can mean anything from physical or verbal abuse to emotional manipulation.

An unsafe sect could be a fraternal organization, a country club, an ethnic group, a protest group, a subculture that enjoys the outdoors or cooking or window washing — whatever…we’ve all been a part of something involving others at one time or another.

To use the example of the Christian church, I think that most people don’t leave churches due to theology. It is the result of how they felt they were treated. For some, it’s the constant pressure to give money, work in the nursery, do this, do that, until they are worn out or losing their sense of self or family. For others, it may be that when they really need someone to lean on, it doesn’t matter how full that “bank” of selfless service is, all of a sudden there’s no one willing to care.

Sometimes it’s pretty blatant, such as pastors who badger you with family values, while they are secretly gay (seen it!) or try to wrest full control, with messages persuading you to give up any friends who are outside the church (seen it!). It is often very subtle, however. It’s the proverbial frog in the kettle — you don’t see it coming, because you get sucked in slowly. And, before you know it, you are fully entrenched, hugely controlled…and no “outside” friends to pull you out.

What’s your story of unsafe sects?
